Thursday, 8 September 2011


Yesterday, I spent the morning in my garden knocking the last of the pears off the pear tree with the help of a hockey stick. I also picked the last of the blueberries and strawberries off the plants. The tomatoes are nearly all ripe too and there's a couple of aubergines hanging off our plant which need picking soon. The weather was overcast like it has been these past few days, but there was that distinctly cooler breeze coming in which is unique to September. You can tell that autumn is drifting in. Finally.

Autumn is my favourite season. September feels more like the start of the year than January because everyone is going back to school, collage or University. And people who are not getting ready for school or University are stretching off the summer and getting ready for winter anyway.
Everybody is getting ready for something. Cosy nights in with hot chocolate and water bottles are just a few weeks round the corner. And its getting dark earlier but autumn sunsets are the most colourful. Have you  noticed? 

Monday, 5 September 2011

All the Earth is a Place for Prayer...?

God has made this Earth for us and told us wherever we are in the world, we can turn to Him and pray. All the Earth is a place of prostration. Except of course,  when people tell us that we can't pray somewhere.

In the run up to the 10th Anniversary of September 11th, I chanced over  a programme on TV called 'The Ground Zero Mosque.' Watch it, if you haven't, it's on  Channel 4's website. I'd like to know what conclusions you draw from it. I'd also like to know how you feel about the display of ignorance shown on this programme, despite a decade of Muslims screaming 'not in my name.'

The fact that people like Pamela Geller can claim that the mosque two blocks away from Ground Zero is a victory mosque is sickening. I understand that are some people who lost family there are generally upset. But a victory mosque? Are there really people who believe that American Muslims have conspired to build a mosque a couple of blocks away from ground zero as a symbol of victory?  What  far right islamaphobic way of thinking is this?

Perhaps the decision to build the mosque there isn't the wisest. Not if it's met with such a reaction. In fact, more Muslims seem to be against it for the trouble its causing than in favour for it. But the fact that an Islamic place of prayer offends a number of American people shows, that despite our best efforts, we've really got no where when it comes to dissociating Islam from 9/11.  It seems like American Muslims will be reaping the consequences of an event they had nothing to do with for a long time to come.