Saturday, 7 November 2009

Islamophobic attacks at City University

I hate for this to be one of my first posts, but as my blog concerns Muslim student life I knew this was far too important to overlook. Muslim students are more than ever feeling the effects of Islamophobia, the incident which occurred recently at City University is a shocking example. As the Isoc website states, there have been a number of attacks over the last few days on campus including damage to a university building as bricks were hurled at the entrance, targeting Muslims inside. And even worse were the three or four stabbings against Muslim brothers around Angel station. All of this has been carried out by a group of Islamophobic thugs, a group I’ve been told of about 30 people. Now the Isoc are urging Muslim students to be extremely cautious, sisters have been told to head home at 4.00pm and brothers must go around in large groups. Here’s what City Isoc have said:

The fact that this hasn’t been in reported in mainstream news says enough.

Islam channel news has however, had coverage of Queen Mary’s prayer room dilemma. This ongoing problem at the university is yet another example of unfair treatment to Muslim students.

I must say I like the banner on City Isoc's website:

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