I was watching an Outlandish video before Ramadan called Let Off Some Stream. Have you seen it? It’s got bizarre lyrics and some really bright outfits, but that’s just Outlandish, it’s part of what makes them irrationally brilliant. Anyway, amazingly, I took some good advice from that video.
Everybody should have a creative outlet, a little something to turn to when the going gets tough. It could be anything really- drawing, carving, calligraphy, paper making, drum-bashing, song writing, graphics designing- anything. Never let your ‘creative talent’ stress you though -if something that you’re supposed to be enjoying becomes stressful then it essentially defeats the purpose. That doesn’t mean to say it shouldn’t be a bit challenging. Writing for me can be challenging, but I love it. When my creative writing course demands that I write the dreaded poem and it goes well, I love it, I feel like it’s my greatest achievement in the world. (I’m really not much of a poet).
I’ve been scribbling stories from the age of two. My dad actually saved some of my ‘scribble books,’ they look like they’re written in another language. Apparently however, I was always able to decipher my scribbles and tell the same story each time, even after I’d written fifty different scribble-books or so, so maybe I should be credited for creating my own language?
Anyway, I have friends and cousins who are amazing artists’ mashaAllah. Drawing is not particularly my strong point, so I always admire people who can draw and sketch really well. Also, to date I have broken every sewing machine that I’ve used apart from one perhaps, so I also really admire people who sew and make their own clothes. However, I will give myself space to say that I’m much better with piping bags and cookie cutters than I am with a needles and thread, so a more enduring hobby of mine has been cake baking and more recently chocolate making. This Ramadan however I’ve discovered another little creative outlet that I think I’m going to pursue— card making. I never realised that fiddling with bits of ribbon and craft paper could be so satisfying. Trying to replace the time I would usually spend eating with other activities I think, has made me more productive!
I even took some pictures:
Those of you who know me will probably be getting one through your doors in a couple of days. Eid Mubarak! :)
To wrap up this post, what are your creative outlets? Feel free to leave a comment. Or not.