Sunday, 6 June 2010

Journal Jungle

Those of you on my course at Uni may have noticed that I carry with me at all times a small red journal. It’s tatty and thin and looks like this:

Well the reason for this is in my first creative writing lecture I was told to carry a ‘thoughts’ notebook with me at all times, in case a brilliant idea strikes me when I least expected, like on my way to a Historisim lecture or when I’m coming out of Aldis. It’s also something authors and writers advise— it’s something Jacqueline Wilson advised when I meet her in Year 2 and told her I wanted to be a writer, and it’s what Julie Bertagna claimed she did on her blog (for anyone who doesn’t know of Julie Bertagna she was one of my favourite childhood authors). So anyway I went ahead and brought myself a journal and started to jot all my ideas down. I salvaged as many thoughts as I could, but to be honest, it’s impossible to keep track of them all. Minutes after I’m struck with a ‘brilliant’ idea for my next short story or poem, they are slipping away, second by second as I search for my journal and try and translate these ideas into words.
But anyway I came home at the end of term and stashed my now full red notebook away and found that I couldn’t fit it in my desk draw. After having a good rummage through (I haven’t sorted through that draw in ages) I found that buried beneath my pens, missed-matched felt tips and lids and old Pokémon key rings I had an entire stash of journals and notebooks, looking something like this when they’ve all been pulled out:

They consist of recipe collections (the red flowery one in particular), story drafts, general ramblings, photos, bad drawings and revision notes. One or two are completely blank because they’re simply too nice to fill with revision notes or rough story drafts and I plan to fill them with something more worthwhile eventually. A couple of the rambling ones have ideas that I must have thought of ages ago and with a bit of tweaking would be potential articles or blog material. In fact, now that I’m on holiday I plan to use as them as posts, so watch this space!

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